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Over the years, we have kept our ears to the ground with the sole purpose of adding value to our readers and staying up to date with all things PR and Digital.


Our white papers combine the best of research and industry trends, all neatly packaged into one good read. 


If you’re keen to understand how psychology plays a role in public relations or what the future holds for the corporate communications space, dive right in.

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Coporate PR. book

Revolutionizing The Corporate Communications Role

As communication becomes more disruptive and complex, the value of expert corporate communicators increases. Their roles have been elevated to both internal and external functions where communication is expected to focus on narrative building, online reputation management, keeping the CEO updated with relevant developments and operating as a brand’s chief corporate guardian. Brands are not only re-shuffling their organizational structures but also simultaneously changing the way they communicate internally.


This whitepaper delves into how corporate communications teams are responsible for much more than just coordinating the communications output within a company and why enabling effective cross-departmental collaboration, ensuring flawless communications, empowering employees and delivering a positive employee experience also fall under their purview.

The Psychology of Communication in PR

Although not a behavioural science, Public Relations operates on similar principles as Psychology. In the early 1920s, Edward Bernays was the first to find a link between the two fields.
While brands take multiple factors into account when planning campaigns, press releases and product launches, some of these are cultural influences, stereotypes, and positive and negative biases. PR professionals aim to communicate information that is not only persuasive in nature but also leads to consumer action.
This whitepaper discusses the strategic link between PR and Psychology. It delves into how PR not only gets influenced by ongoing trends but also how it acts as the influencer when it comes to trend-setting.

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